Your success matters to us

Our curriculum is designed to meet the needs of all students, regardless of their abilities or backgrounds. We achieve this by providing nurturing learning experiences that combine parental, pastoral, authoritative, and democratic styles. This ensures each student feels cared for, supported, and encouraged, allowing them to thrive and reach their full potential.

Our aim is to provide various innovative long and short courses in teaching and learning. Also, with quality assessment to inspire teachers and leaders in order to support student progress and be able to take ownership ownership of their learning in different way and future planning.

Unleashing the power within

Many curriculums are viewed as prescribed with standardised assessments imposed on teachers, reducing the classroom environments to what is being tested and ignoring the quality of teaching and assessing students thus disempowering and deskilling teachers. Our vision therefore is to design a curriculum tailored to suit the aim of education for all students, whatever their abilities, whilst taking into account the varying backgrounds they represent. We also aim to have a school environment that is characterised by tolerance, cooperation, participation, freedom and equality and, ensure the emancipation, involvement and development of every individual student. We aim to support schools in creating an effective learning environment by impowering individual teachers and school leaders to see themselves as learners.

We will achieve our vision by providing variety of innovative long and short courses in teaching and learning; Implementing quality assessment to inspire teachers and leaders to support student progress, and for students to take ownership of their learning in different ways. We will also facilitate collaborative future planning.

The benefits of our training courses are to transform the teacher to become a reflective practitioner who can help students become skilful learners who will, in turn, learn to help each other to learn through dialogue. The teacher will learn to empower their learners to be able to monitor and review how their own learning is going and develop ability to self-evaluate themselves. School leaders will be able implement creative curriculums, encouraging teacher autonomy and effective leadership based on collaboration with teachers. This to say that leaders and teachers will acquire advanced knowledge and skills for assessing student learning, with a varied range of practice, along with the knowledge to know when to use different strategies for different purposes.

Our vision is to design a curriculum tailored to suit the aim of education for all students.

The benefits of our training courses are:

  • School effectiveness

  • Development of teacher efficacy 

  • Teacher to review their didactic pedagogic approach and to consider more individualised approaches to teaching.

  • Teachers are transformed as reflective practitioners

  • Making teacher and school leaders more accountable for students' learning and progression

  • Students will learn to help each other learn through dialogue and be able to monitor and review how their learning is going

  • Student will be interconnected and display communal 

  • Develop students ability to self-evaluate themselves

Unlock your full potential with Aboka's cutting-edge training programs

  • Our courses are tailored are to train teachers and school leaders to acquire various effective assessments techniques which are imperative for students learning  acquisition.


  • Ours course are tailored to equip teachers with various teaching techniques. Teachers will learn to guide and develop learning through a sequence of activities.


  • Our courses are tailored to inspire teachers to critically examine and reflect on their approach to teaching. Teachers will be trained to adopt various pedagogical skills  in order to create an enjoyable classroom  learning environment  where students feel happy to be.


  • Our responsibility at Aboka is to train teacher and school leaders in various school improvement strategies in order to implement strategy for safeguarding for every student.


  • Our courses at Aboka are tailored to train school leaders understanding the effect of food on the process and ability of students to learn effectively.


  • Food and beverage services play an important part in society. They are associated to all the activities relating to preparing for service and serving food and beverages. Therefore, the food and beverage service business has a great responsibility of serving hygienic, safe, clean and fresh food to their customers.


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